
Zodiac Signs & Planets


Click the wheel to reveal the Signs of the Zodiac Symbols

Zodiac Sign Information

From the Top Roman Numeral Two — Clockwise 

Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus

Aries is a (Fire Sign) that is ruled by the planet Mars. In addition Aries quality is (Cardinal) which means to take action. Birthdate for Aries: (March 21st - April 20th).

Taurus is a (Earth Sign) that is ruled by the planet Venus. In addition Taurus quality is (Fixed) which means to stay set in a way. Birthdate for Taurus: (April 21st - May 21st).

Gemini is a (Air Sign) that is ruled by the planet Mercury. In addition Gemini quality is (Mutable) which means changeable. Birthdate for Gemini: (May 22nd - June 21st).

Cancer is a (WaterSign) that is ruled by the Moon. In addition Cancer quality is (Cardinal) which means to take action. Birthdate for Cancer: (June 22nd - July 22nd).

Leo is a (Fire Sign) that is ruled by the Sun. In addition  Leo quality is (Fixed) which means to stay set in a way. Birthdate for Leo: (July 23rd - Aug 23rd).

Virgo is a (Earth Sign) that is ruled by the planet Mercury. In addition Virgo quality is (Mutable) which means changeable. Birthdate for Virgo: (Aug 24th - Sept 22nd).

Libra is a (Air Sign) that is ruled by the planet Venus. In addition Libra quality is (Cardinal) which means to take action. Birthdate for Libra: (Sept 23rd - Oct 22nd).

Scorpio is a (Water Sign) that is ruled by the planet Pluto & Mars. In addition Scorpio quality is (Fixed) which means to stay set in a way. Birthdate for Scorpio: (Oct 23rd -Nov 21st).

Sagittarius is a (Fire Sign) that is ruled by the planet Jupiter. In addition Sagittarius quality is (Mutable) which means changeable. Birthdate for Sagittarius: (Nov 22nd - Dec 21st).

Capricorn is a (Earth Sign) that is ruled by the planet Saturn. In addition Capricorn quality is (Cardinal) which means to take action. Birthdate for Capricorn: (Dec 22nd - Jan 20th).

Aquarius is a (Air Sign) ruled by the planet Uranus & Saturn. In addition Aquarius quality is (Fixed) which means to stay set in a way. Birthdate for Aquarius: (Jan 21st - Feb 19th).

Pisces is a (Water Sign) that is ruled by the planet Neptune & Jupiter. In addition Pisces quality is (Mutable) which means changeable. Birthdate for Pisces: (Feb 20th - March 20th).

Zodiac Seasons:

(Sept 23rd - Dec 21st):
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

(Dec 21st - March 21st):
Capricorn, Pisces, Aquarius

(March 21st - June 21st):
Aries, Taurus, Gemini

(June 21st - Sept 23rd):
Cancer, Leo, Virgo

Air, Earth, Fire and Water Signs:

Air: Any Zodiac sign that is a Air sign/element has a basic persona that has to do with being communicative and thinking/intellect.

Earth: Any Zodiac sign that is a Earth sign/element has a basic persona of being, grounded, practical and reliable.

Fire: Any Zodiac sign that is a Fire sign/element has a basic persona that is ethusiastic, fiery and passionate.

Water: Any Zodiac sign that is a Water sign/element has a basic persona that resonates with feelings/emotions.


Mars is a planet that has to do with agression, assertiveness, energy, sex drive, and temperment.

Venus is a planet that has to with love, beauty, intimacy, values and pleasurable things.

Mercury is a planet that has to do with communication, the way that the mind works and how thoughts are processed.

Moon is a luminary that has to do with feelings, moods and emotionality.

Sun is a luminary that has to with the basic persona, ego, and self expression.

Jupiter is a planet that hast to do with abundance, fortune, good fellowship, luck and morals.

Pluto is a planet that has to do with, death, intensity, obsession, deep sexuality, transformation and rebirth.

Saturn is a planet that has to do with commitment, limitations, responsibility, strictness and structure.

Uranus is a planet that has to do with eccentricity, freeness  rebellion and unconventiality.


Neptune is a planet that has to do with dillusions, illusions, self sacrifice and unconditionality.

The planet Earth in relation to Astrology has to do with being grounded. The here and now, actual reality.